8 research outputs found

    A software service supporting software quality forecasting

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    Software repositories such as source control, defect tracking systems and project management tools, are used to support the progress of software projects. The exploitation of such data with techniques like forecasting is becoming an increasing need in several domains to support decision-making processes. However, although there exist several statistical tools and languages supporting forecasting, there is a lack of friendly approaches that enable practitioners to exploit the advantages of creating and using such models in their dashboard tools. Therefore, we have developed a modular and flexible forecasting service allowing the interconnection with different kinds of databases/data repositories for creating and exploiting forecasting models based on methods like ARIMA or ETS. The service is open source software, has been developed in Java and R and exposes its functionalities through a REST API. Architecture details are provided, along with functionalities’ description and an example of its use for software quality forecasting.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Definition of the on-time delivery indicator in rapid software development

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    Rapid software development (RSD) is an approach for developing software in rapid iterations. One of the critical success factors of an RSD project is to deliver the product releases on time and with the planned features. In this paper, we elaborate an exploratory definition of the On-Time Delivery strategic indicator in RSD based on the literature and interviews with four companies. This indicator supports decision-makers to detect development problems in order to avoid delays and to estimate the additional time needed when requirements, and specifically quality requirements, are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impact of time to intubation on mortality and pulmonary sequelae in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a prospective cohort study

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    Question: We evaluated whether the time between first respiratory support and intubation of patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) due to COVID-19 was associated with mortality or pulmonary sequelae. Materials and methods: Prospective cohort of critical COVID-19 patients on IMV. Patients were classified as early intubation if they were intubated within the first 48 h from the first respiratory support or delayed intubation if they were intubated later. Surviving patients were evaluated after hospital discharge. Results: We included 205 patients (140 with early IMV and 65 with delayed IMV). The median [p25;p75] age was 63 [56.0; 70.0] years, and 74.1% were male. The survival analysis showed a significant increase in the risk of mortality in the delayed group with an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 2.45 (95% CI 1.29-4.65). The continuous predictor time to IMV showed a nonlinear association with the risk of in-hospital mortality. A multivariate mortality model showed that delay of IMV was a factor associated with mortality (HR of 2.40; 95% CI 1.42-4.1). During follow-up, patients in the delayed group showed a worse DLCO (mean difference of - 10.77 (95% CI - 18.40 to - 3.15), with a greater number of affected lobes (+ 1.51 [95% CI 0.89-2.13]) and a greater TSS (+ 4.35 [95% CI 2.41-6.27]) in the chest CT scan. Conclusions: Among critically ill patients with COVID-19 who required IMV, the delay in intubation from the first respiratory support was associated with an increase in hospital mortality and worse pulmonary sequelae during follow-up.The study was supported in part by ISCIII (CIBERESUCICOVID, COV20/00110), co‑funded by ERDF, “Una manera de hacer Europa” and Donation pro‑gram "estar preparados". UNESPA. Madrid. Spain David de Gonzalo Calvo acknowledges receiving financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Miguel Servet 2020: CP20/00041), co‑funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), “Investing in your future”. JdB acknowledges receiving financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Miguel Servet 2019: CP19/00108), co‑funded by European Regional European Social Fund (ESF), “Investing in your future

    Eina per a l’anàlisi i comparació de rutes metabòliques

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    [cat] L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és dissenyar i implementar un nou algorisme d’alineament de rutes metabòliques que combini la informació topològica de les rutes amb la informació del comportament dinàmic d’aquestes. Una ruta metabòlica és un conjunt de reaccions bioquímiques que intervenen en el metabolisme d’un organisme. Les rutes metabòliques s’hanmodelat, al llarg dels darrers 10 anys, en diferents estructures matemàtiques com xarxes de Petri, hipergrafs, grafs, seqüències, etc. En aquesta memòria es considera la seva modelització coma hipergrafs i xarxes de Petri. Pel que fa a la informació topològica de les rutes metabòliques, s’ha considerat la implementació de l’algorisme ja existentMP-Align, per obtenir-ne el seu alineament. Ara bé, tot i que els resultats obtinguts d’aplicar l’algorismeMP-Align han estat bons, pel que fa a la seva implementació hi havia alguns defectes que calia solucionar. D’una banda, l’entrada de l’algorisme eren les rutes a alinear en un format específic anomenat Petri NetworkMarkup Language (PNML), la qual cosa que requeria una sèrie de passes prèvies addicionals per part de l’usuari. D’altra banda, hi havia algunes errades en el seu disseny en la primera passa de l’algorisme (l’obtenció de la informació topològica), i, a més, degut a la complexitat formal d’aquest, en el pitjor dels casos no s’obtenia cap resultat. Per tal de resoldre tots aquests entrebancs de l’algorisme MP-Align, i afegir diverses característiques imillores tals com un ampliament de l’alineament de les rutes, ha estat necessari dur a terme una nova implementació des de zero. Pel que fa al comportament dinàmic de les rutes metabòliques, s’ha considerat la modelització d’aquestes com a xarxes de Petri i la informació proveïda pels T-invariants (estats estacionaris dins la xarxa). S’ha definit un alineament dels T-invariants de dues rutes metabòliques i s’ha combinat adequadament amb l’alineament obtingut prèviament de la topologia de les mateixes. A més a més, el càlcul dels T-invariants és una eina important pel que fa a l’anàlisi d’una xarxa. Com a resultat final, s’ha obtingut un nou algorisme d’alineament de rutes metabòliques que combina la informació topològica i la informació dinàmica de les xarxes, tal i coms’havia proposat, conservant o fins i tot millorant els resultats de l’algorisme previ MP-Align, i amb múltiples avantatges: no cal cap passa prèvia pel seu ús i es proveeix l’usuari de diversa informació d’anàlisi de les rutes que pot ser de gran utilitat pel seu estudi de forma individual, entre d’altres

    A method to estimate software strategic indicators in software development: An industrial application

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    Context: Exploiting software development related data from software-development intensive organizations to support tactical and strategic decision making is a challenge. Combining data-driven approaches with expert knowledge has been highlighted as a sensible approach for leading software-development intensive organizations to rightful decision-making improvements. However, most of the existing proposals lack of important aspects that hinders their industrial uptake such as: customization guidelines to fit the proposals to other contexts and/or automatic or semi-automatic data collection support for putting them forward in a real organization. As a result, existing proposals are rarely used in the industrial context. Objective: Support software-development intensive organizations with guidance and tools for exploiting software development related data and expert knowledge to improve their decision making. Method: We have developed a novel method called SESSI (Specification and Estimation of Software Strategic Indicators) that was articulated from industrial experiences with Nokia, Bittium, Softeam and iTTi in the context of Q-Rapids European project following a design science approach. As part of the industrial summative evaluation, we performed the first case study focused on the application of the method. Results: We detail the phases and steps of the SESSI method and illustrate its application in the development of ModelioNG, a software product of Modeliosoft development firm. Conclusion: The application of the SESSI method in the context of ModelioNG case study has provided us with useful feedback to improve the method and has evidenced that applying the method was feasible in this context.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project GENESIS, grant agreement TIN2016-79269- R), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Q-Rapids project, grant agreement N◦732253).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Definition of the on-time delivery indicator in rapid software development

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    Rapid software development (RSD) is an approach for developing software in rapid iterations. One of the critical success factors of an RSD project is to deliver the product releases on time and with the planned features. In this paper, we elaborate an exploratory definition of the On-Time Delivery strategic indicator in RSD based on the literature and interviews with four companies. This indicator supports decision-makers to detect development problems in order to avoid delays and to estimate the additional time needed when requirements, and specifically quality requirements, are considered.Peer Reviewe

    QaSD: A Quality-aware Strategic Dashboard for supporting decision makers in Agile Software Development

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    Software and data analytics solutions support improving development processes and the quality of the software produced in Agile Software Development (ASD). However, decision makers in software teams (e.g., product owner, project manager) are demanding powerful tools providing evidence data that support their strategic decision-making processes. In this paper, we present and provide access to QaSD, a Quality-aware Strategic Dashboard supporting decision makers in ASD. The dashboard allows decision makers to define high-level strategic indicators (e.g., customer satisfaction, process performance) related to software quality and to measure, explore, simulate and forecast the values of those indicators in order to explain and justify their decisions. Moreover, we also provide the results of a conducted evaluation of the dashboard quality in a real environment that evaluated the QaSD as usable, easy to use, with good navigation, and reliableThis work was supported by Q-Rapids (Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development) and VISDOM (Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development) projects. Q-Rapids was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n◦ 732253. VISDOM is funded by the Research, Development and Innovation cluster programme ITEA 3 (project no 17038).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Pictavia Aurea

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    Este volumen, titulado Pictavia aurea, reúne 131 estudios que constituyen una granada muestra de los debates y las presentaciones en torno a la cultura hispánica del Siglo de Oro que entre los días 11 y 15 de julio de 2011 se dieron en la ciudad de Poitiers (Francia) en el marco del IX congreso de la Asociación Internacional “Siglo de Oro”. Auspiciada por la Universidad de Poitiers, a través del Centro de Estudios de la Literatura española de Entre Siglos (siglos xvii-xviii) (CELES XVII-XVIII) y el laboratorio «Formes et Représentations en Linguistique et Littérature» (FoReLL), la convocatoria reunió en la ciudad francesa a 276 participantes y a un centenar de asistentes en la novena edición del Congreso de la Asociación, que celebró entonces la efeméride del 450o aniversario del nacimiento de Luis de Góngora.A Isaías Lerner, maestro de la filología hispánic